Unlocking Seamless Management with DEEM and Workspace ONE

In today’s dynamic work landscape, the integration of cutting-edge technologies isn’t just advantageous; it’s a necessity. As businesses strive for enhanced efficiency, productivity, and security, the collaboration between DEEM and Workspace ONE emerges as a transformative force, reshaping the realm of digital management.

What is DEEM?

Digital Employee Experience Management (DEEM) is a strategic approach that centers on optimizing digital experiences within an organization. It delves into understanding how employees interact with digital tools, aiming to enhance these interactions for improved productivity, engagement, and overall satisfaction.

The Power of Workspace ONE

On the other hand, Workspace ONE, a robust digital workspace platform, stands as a cornerstone in modern IT solutions. It orchestrates seamless management of devices, applications, and data, fostering a cohesive and secure digital environment.

Integration of DEEM with Workspace ONE

The amalgamation of DEEM principles with Workspace ONE signifies a paradigm shift in digital management. This integration facilitates a holistic view of the employee experience, aligning digital capabilities with user needs and expectations.

Key Benefits of DEEM and Workspace ONE Integration:

  1. Enhanced Employee Productivity: The synergy between DEEM and Workspace ONE ensures that the digital environment is optimized for efficiency. By understanding user behavior and preferences, IT teams can tailor digital experiences, leading to increased productivity.
  2. Proactive Issue Resolution: DEEM’s monitoring capabilities, when integrated with Workspace ONE’s management suite, enable proactive identification and resolution of digital hurdles. Predictive analytics and insights empower IT teams to address potential issues before they impact productivity.
  3. Optimized Digital Workspaces: Workspace ONE’s ability to manage diverse digital assets complements DEEM’s focus on user experience. Through seamless device management, application delivery, and data security, organizations can curate personalized and productive digital workspaces.
  4. Agile IT Operations: The combined prowess of DEEM and Workspace ONE streamlines IT operations. Automation, simplified workflows, and centralized management empower IT teams to focus on strategic initiatives while ensuring a seamless digital experience for users.
  5. Data-Driven Decision-Making: DEEM’s data analytics, when integrated into Workspace ONE’s framework, provides valuable insights. These insights enable data-driven decision-making, ensuring continuous improvement in digital experiences and resource allocation.

Embracing the Future of Digital Management

As businesses navigate the complexities of modern digital landscapes, the fusion of DEEM and Workspace ONE emerges as a beacon of innovation. This integration transcends conventional management approaches, propelling organizations toward a future where digital experiences are not just optimized but also deeply aligned with user needs.

Final Thoughts

The synergy between DEEM and Workspace ONE is more than a mere collaboration; it’s a transformative force. It empowers organizations to harness the true potential of digital technologies while placing user experience at the forefront. As businesses strive for digital excellence, this integration stands as a testament to the evolution of digital management strategies.

Creating a Workspace ONE Sensor to Check Mac Warranty

Creating a Workspace ONE Sensor to Check Mac Warranty

Managing your organization’s IT assets efficiently includes keeping track of warranty information for devices such as Mac computers. Workspace ONE, a comprehensive, unified endpoint management (UEM) solution by VMware, allows you to create custom sensors to monitor various aspects of your endpoints, including warranty status. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through creating a Workspace ONE sensor to check the warranty status of Mac devices.


Before we begin, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Workspace ONE UEM Console: Access to the Workspace ONE UEM console with the necessary permissions to create sensors.
  2. Mac Serial Number: The serial number of the Mac computer for which you want to check the warranty status.

Step 1: Log In to Workspace ONE UEM Console

  1. Log in to your Workspace ONE UEM console using your administrator credentials.

Step 2: Create a New Sensor

2.1. Navigate to “Devices & Users” > “Sensors” in the Workspace ONE UEM console.

2.2. Click on the “+Add” button to create a new sensor.

Add Sensor

Step 3: Configure the Sensor

3.1. Give your sensor a descriptive name, such as “Mac Warranty Check.”

3.2. In the “Sensor Type” field, select “Script.”

3.3. In the “Script” field, enter the following script (Python script to check Mac warranty):


currentUser=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
ACEplist="/Users/$currentUser/Library/Application Support/com.apple.NewDeviceOutreach/Warranty.plist"
if [ -f "$ACEplist" ];  then
  endDate=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :coverageEndDate" "$ACEplist")
  date=$(date -j -f %s $endDate +%F)
  echo "$date"
  echo "Not Found"

Step 4: Assign the Sensor to Mac Devices

4.1. After saving the sensor, go to “Devices & Users” > “Device List View” in the Workspace ONE UEM console.

4.2. Select the Mac devices you want to assign the sensor to.

4.3. Click on “Actions” and choose “More Actions” > “Sensors.”

4.4. select the “Mac Warranty Check” sensor from the list of available sensors.

4.5. Click “Save” to assign the sensor to the selected Mac devices.

Assign Sensor

Step 5: View Warranty Status

Now that you’ve assigned the sensor to Mac devices, it will run according to the configured frequency. To view the warranty status:

5.1. Navigate to “Devices & Users” > “Device List View.”

5.2. Select a Mac device from the list.

5.3. go to the “Sensors” tab in the device details.

5.4. You will see the “Mac Warranty Check” sensor listed with its status.

The sensor will regularly check the warranty status of the assigned Mac devices and provide updates in the Workspace ONE UEM console.

By following these steps, you can efficiently monitor the warranty status of Mac devices within your organization using Workspace ONE. This proactive approach to device management helps ensure that devices are under warranty, reducing the risk of unexpected repair costs and downtime.

How I Use ChatGPT to Help Me with Workspace One

How I Use ChatGPT to Help Me with Workspace One

As an IT administrator, I often need to manage many devices and applications for my organization. One of the tools I use for this purpose is Workspace One, a comprehensive endpoint management platform that enables me to deploy, configure and secure devices and applications across various operating systems and platforms.

However, sometimes I encounter challenges or questions that require expert knowledge or guidance beyond my own experience or resources. That’s when I turned to ChatGPT, a powerful AI language model developed by OpenAI that can provide helpful and concise responses to various questions and tasks.

Here are some examples of how I use ChatGPT to enhance my productivity and efficiency with Workspace One:

  1. Troubleshooting issues: Whenever I encounter an error message or unexpected behavior with Workspace One or one of its components, I can ask ChatGPT for suggestions on how to diagnose and fix the problem. For example, I might ask “How do I troubleshoot a device enrollment failure in Workspace One?” or “What are some common reasons for an app deployment error in Workspace One?” ChatGPT can provide me with relevant articles, documentation, or best practices to investigate and resolve the issue.
  2. Automating tasks: Another benefit of ChatGPT is its ability to generate scripts or commands that can automate repetitive or complex tasks in Workspace One. For instance, I might ask “How do I remove an app from a device in Workspace One?” or “How do I create a compliance policy for macOS devices in Workspace One?” ChatGPT can suggest a step-by-step procedure or script that I can adapt to my specific needs and environment.
  3. Learning new features: Workspace One is a constantly evolving platform that introduces new features and capabilities on a regular basis. To stay up-to-date and leverage the latest functionalities, I can ask ChatGPT for explanations or demonstrations of how to use them. For example, I might ask “What is the Workspace One Hub app and how does it work?” or “How do I enable conditional access for Windows 10 devices in Workspace One?” ChatGPT can provide me with concise and accurate explanations that I can apply in my own context.
  4. Streamlining communication: Finally, ChatGPT can be a useful tool for facilitating communication and collaboration with other IT professionals or stakeholders who use or support Workspace One. Instead of emailing or messaging back and forth, I can ask ChatGPT to summarize or clarify a question or request, or to provide additional context or resources that may be helpful. For example, I might ask “Can you explain to my colleague how to enroll an iOS device in Workspace One?” or “What are the best practices for communicating a Workspace One incident to our service desk team?” ChatGPT can help me to provide accurate and clear responses that save time and avoid confusion.

In conclusion, ChatGPT is a valuable asset for IT administrators who use Workspace One or other endpoint management platforms. By leveraging its expertise and capabilities, we can improve our efficiency, accuracy, and learning curve, and focus on more strategic or value-added tasks.

Mac Host Name

Create a Hostname Based on Country + Last 6 Digit of the Mac SN


serialNumber=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Serial Number" | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | tr -d ' ')
sudo scutil --set HostName US${serialNumber:(-6)}

Deem For Mac Install

Create The App Inside WSO under the uninstall script. Please use


#Generate application uninstallers for macOS.

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
TIME=`date +%H:%M:%S`

log_info() {
    echo "${LOG_PREFIX}[INFO]" $1

log_warn() {
    echo "${LOG_PREFIX}[WARN]" $1

log_error() {
    echo "${LOG_PREFIX}[ERROR]" $1

#Check running user
if (( $EUID != 0 )); then
    echo "Please run as root."

echo "Welcome to Application Uninstaller"
echo "The following packages will be REMOVED:"
echo "  VMware.Deem-21.12.191"

#Need to replace these with install preparation script

echo "Stopping the daemon: deemd"
set -e
/bin/launchctl unload "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.vmware.deemd.plist"
rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.vmware.deemd.plist || true

echo "Application uninstalling process started"
# remove link to shorcut file
find "/usr/local/bin/" -name "deemd" | xargs rm
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  echo "[1/4] [DONE] Successfully deleted shortcut links"
  echo "[1/4] [ERROR] Could not delete shortcut links" >&2

#forget from pkgutil
pkgutil --forget "com.vmware.$PRODUCT.$VERSION" > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  echo "[2/4] [DONE] Successfully deleted application informations"
  echo "[2/4] [ERROR] Could not delete application informations" >&2

#remove application source distribution
[ -e "/Library/Application Support/VMware/${PRODUCT}" ] && rm -rf "/Library/Application Support/VMware/${PRODUCT}"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  echo "[3/4] [DONE] Successfully deleted application"
  echo "[3/4] [ERROR] Could not delete application" >&2

#remove deem log file
[ -e "/Library/Logs/VMware/Deem" ] && rm -rf "/Library/Logs/VMware/Deem"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
  echo "[4/4] [DONE] Successfully deleted logs"
  echo "[4/4] [ERROR] Could not delete logs" >&2

echo "Application uninstall process finished"
exit 0